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「香港化妝師網」化妝師 tang po shan
tang po shan
公司: 沒有/沒有提供相關資料

類別 : 婚禮化妝 、活動化妝 、拍攝化妝 、舞台化妝 、

評分 :      0 vs 0 vs 0

總評分 : N/A 瀏覽次數 : 1757 傳媒報導 : 0 成功紀錄 : 0

"The sign of a beautiful person is that they always see beauty in other. "

April Tang, Experienced Stylist with a demonstrated history of working in the apparel and fashion industry. Strong arts and design professional with a Fashion styling and photography focused in Fashion Styling from University of the Arts London.April Tang is truly one of passionate image stylists and make up artists. 

Worked with the following artist: Candy Lo, Vic Chou, Mandy lieu, Sam Lee, Chan Pai lam, Big four include DickyCheung, Andy Hui, William So, Edmond Leung, Kelly Fu, Jim Chim, MC Jin, Sparking girl. 

Working era:

Fashion Show, Wedding, Advertising, TVC , Film , Drama, Marketing Events

為了秉承持續進修的理念,於University of Art London 考取藝術學位,主修Fashion Styling and photography。更於多間院校攻讀時裝和化妝髮型課程,以不斷學習,充實自己。於英國ITEC國際資格更取得CREDIT成績。


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